Artwork / Crime Against Nature / Mothership (Fanfin Seadevil)

painting of a fanfin seadevil fish by queer New Jersey artist Gwenn Seemel
Gwenn Seemel
Mothership (Fanfin Seadevil)
acrylic on panel
10 x 10 inches

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Girls can dwarf boys.

As with most kinds of anglerfish, when a male fanfin seadevil finds a mate, he latches onto her with his teeth. Over time, his half inch body merges with her eight inch body, and their circulatory systems fuse. When the female is ready to spawn, she has sperm readily available.

And the biggest animal in the world is a girl.

See all the images and text by downloading or purchasing Crime Against Nature, the book.

deepsea fish wildlife painting by Gwenn Seemel
detail image