Blog / 2015 / Free Online Drawing Workshop for Artists and Amateurs

September 7, 2015

Drawing should be for everybody. After all, it used to be that way: when we were kids, all of us drew—and mostly without inhibitions. At some point though, someone told us we were good at drawing or maybe that we were bad at it, pronouncements that too often became prophecies since we either continued to practice this skill or didn’t based on the feedback we’d gotten.

Drawing with markers can help a person to lose their perfectionist tendencies, especially where making an image look “right” is concerned. It has certainly helped me a lot over the years, and I hope this workshop inspires you to rediscover your hands and your eyes or maybe work with them in a new way.

photo by Gwenn Seemel
emu drawing in marker on paper
sketch by Gwenn Seemel

This course was originally presented in 2014 as part of a series of paid online workshops, and at the time I created this quick video as a follow-up to the half hour workshop. That post shows what some of the workshop participants created!

photo by Gwenn Seemel
buffalo drawing in marker on paper
sketch by Gwenn Seemel

To see if there are drawings available for purchase, check here!

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