Blog / 2018 / Dear Diary #1: Thoughts of a Baby Artist

May 16, 2018

As a way of celebrating my 15th birthday as an artist, I am sharing from my personal journals from when I was first starting out as an artist.

When I celebrated my tenth birthday as a blogger a few months back with this round-up of best posts, it felt like an ending. I’m not saying that this blog is over, just that it’s going to have to evolve with the ever-changing web. The attacks on net neutrality, the embrace of algorithm-driven timelines over chronological ones, and Facebook’s mishandling of private information are all making my job as an independent artist who markets her art online interesting. This short video is part of a new approach that I’m working on. We’ll see how it works out!

And in the meantime, join me Wednesday May 23rd at noon (New York time) for a livestream all about art marketing! If you want to see the broadcast, you have two options:

  1. Support my art on Patreon.
  2. Sign up for my “everything” mailing list, which will get you updates every time I post on my blog, publish a new artwork, or do a livestream.

With either of these methods, you’ll receive a message with the secret link a week from today!

There are seven diary entries in all:

Maybe this post made you think of something you want to share with me? Or perhaps you have a question about my art? I’d love to hear from you!


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