Blog / 2020 / #LifesaversFanArt: Don’t Pik-achoo on Pika-me

September 10, 2020

Please join in this effort to make wearing a mask cool! Share this fan art, make some of your own, and tag it all #LifesaversFanArt so we can bring these inspiring works together.

The original Pikachu painting is for sale for $150 plus shipping—see all currently available artworks. I can’t make prints of Don’t Pik-achoo on Pika-me available through my print-on-demand shop because Redbubble is a good little lap dog to licensing companies, but, as soon as more of the series is done, I’ll make a set of Lifesavers Fan Art postcards available through my mailing lists: sometimes, all the time, or Patreon.

Patreon Palooza showcasing the work of Donna Downey, Mindy Lacefield, Kae Pea, Elizabeth St. Hilaire, and Gwenn Seemel

Celebrating Patreon Palooza today chez Gwenn, we are focusing on Elizabeth St. Hilaire! Here’s my mini-interview with the award-winning artist and instructor who makes impressionistic paintings from torn bits of paper:

GWENN: What totally unexpected thing have you discovered about yourself in the pandemic?

ELIZABETH: The totally unexpected thing I discovered about myself in the pandemic was that at first I was really creatively blocked, stunned, like a deer in the headlights. I thought I’d have all this TIME at home (without traveling to teach workshops) and that I would create tons of art... Well since I was so worried about making an income, that worry translated into a big huge creative block where I got almost no painting done for the first month or six weeks.

GWENN: What’s something unusual that makes you laugh in a full-on guffaw?

ELIZABETH: My 22 year old daughter sends me really CRAZY selfies. She has no qualms about taking photos of herself anywhere at any time with anyone in the background. I’ve gotten photos from her on a packed subway train in NYC with a huge crazy face and wide open eyes. I just love it.

GWENN: What is your favorite character from movies, TV, or books? Why?

ELIZABETH: I recently read The Goldfinch and then saw the film. My favorite character in that was the main character, the boy who lost his mom in the bombing at the art museum. I loved how he talked about his love of art and his mother throughout the whole story. He and his mother were very close and she shared her love of art with him as a child—that love stayed with him through his adulthood and after her death. Art was their connection forever. I just love that. Incidentally my son gave me the book and we share a similar relationship.

Check out Elizabeth’s Patreon page for tutorials about her Wizard of Oz Portrait Series. The first two lessons are free!
mixed media Pokémon fan art of Pikachu cringing and wearing a face covering because of the pandemic
Gwenn Seemel
Don’t Pik-achoo on Pika-me
acrylic, colored pencil, and marker on paper
8 x 8 inches

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