Artwork / Empathetic Magic / Clarissa and Thrash Fitting In and Standing Out

a mistress and a slave
Gwenn Seemel
PG-13 (Clarissa and Thrash Fitting In) and NC-17 (Clarissa and Thrash Standing Out)
acrylic on bird’s eye piqué
each painting 18 inches in diameter


order Fitting In prints


order Standing Out prints

Mistress Clarissa sang parts of her talk, hardly the typical presentation for a conference attended mostly by DC policy wonks and tech innovators. Then again, she wasn’t the average speaker either. She was a dominatrix who had just championed porn as one of the main motivators for creativity in technology and in art. She was the only speaker at the conference that I wanted to get to know better.

A few months later, I met up with Clarissa in New York, where she was living at the time. As part of my research for the portrait I’d paint of her, she invited me to a fetish photo shoot. She would be modeling a sex toy with Thrash, a submissive friend and sometime collaborator. We would be driving together to the location. I was about to get in the car when Thrash intercepted me, opening my door and then closing it again behind me. When I thanked him clumsily, Thrash waved his hand, dismissing my confusion. He explained that he was a female supremacist.

You can see some of the photos I used to make these paintings and watch the making of PG-13 or NC-17.

painterly portrait
detail image
painterly portrait
detail image